----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 * ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 * Geonetters, Mapsfolk:
 * I have just received a copy of Geological Atlas of Japan second edition,
 * for which I prepaid $568.56.  It is a rolled up paperback of some 18
 * leaves, which seems to total $31.59 per leaf.  Has anybody else purchased/
 * ordered this?  I would highly recommend that you NOT.  I will be happy
 * to lend it on interlibrary loan.  I am SO furious.  If anybody else HAS
 * received it, did you get the same thing I got?  Or did I get some subset
 * of a larger hardbound title?  I await in fury and with baited breath some
 * reply.
 *                                 Jim O'Donnell
 *                                 Caltech Geology Library
Hello Jim,
I purchased something that might be similar, but definitely a whole lots
cheaper:   1:1,000,000 Geological Map of Japan - Geological Atlas of Japan
(1982) - Second Printing (Copy), Geological Survey of Japan, 1987.
That information is taken from the looseleaf gray-color cover.  The item
consists of 7 sheets for the map, and 3 sheets for the index/title page.
Sheet size is 42x61cm and I paid $65.00 for it.  I hope that you received
only partial order of something bigger and better, although I am not aware of
any large geological atlas of Japan.  By the way, _World Mapping Today_ and
also Geokatalog (thankfully the Japan section is now in english) do not list
any large geological atlases other than the one I have.
Aloha from Hawaii at 76deg high and wind-chill of 69deg,
Ross Togashi
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Hamilton Library Map Collection