----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   Greetings. I'm in the process of trying to update portions of DCW's
political network. I'm wondering if anyone out there has good suggestions
for source, either digital or paper, for the following areas:
1) Nunavut/NW Territories (Canada)
2) Goitas/Tocantins province boundary in Brazil
3) Czech Republic/Slovakia
4) All new states formed from Yugoslavia (Croatia, Slovenia, etc.)
5) Eritrea/Ethiopia
6) Nagorno-Karabakh territory in Azerbaijan
7) Maritime boundaries for the Pacific Ocean island groups like Kiribati, etc.
   Any leads anyone has regarding these areas is much appreciated. Of course
digital source is best but a current or recent hardcopy source is fine too.
Because DCW was originally created from the ONC charts at 1:1 million scale,
I will need sources that are as close to 1:1 million as possible. Thanks for
any help.
   Tom Edwards
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P.S. Please reply directly to me - thanks