----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>     Thu, 27 Jan 1994 14:57:19 -0600 (CST)
>     "Pat Wasson" <[log in to unmask]>
>Someone told me about a CD-Rom product that includes street maps of the
>United States. They gave a title "Map Expert".  However, this title is
I have some bundled map software that was $45 total. Dont like it, its at
the office so I cant check it right now but as sorry as this is it couldnt
be the $249 mapexpert mentioned below (or could it?). Be carefull.
Street Atlas USA - resonable to get from here to there without a KEY MAP.
            Windows based.
MAPEXPERT - DOS based I think.
both tiles available from :
 Free Spirt Software        $89 and $249 (be carefull), resp.
 Phone #: 1-800-638-5757
 CDROM access (I like)
 Phone #: 1-800-959-5260
maybe also, on internet
 Walnut Creek:    ftp.cdrom.com or [log in to unmask]
 Phone #: 1-800-786-9907
probably has both titles.....
P.S. what I want is all U.S airphotos on CDROMs with coordinate software.
Anybody working such a thing?