----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Are you "married" to the idea of a PC application or is
Mac acceptable?  I just went to a demo of a sweet little system
marketed by COMPanion.  We didn't look at maps specifically,
but having looked at several systems, I was VERY impressed with
the ease and friendliness of COMPanion's Alexandria system.  It
DOESN'T require that the cataloger (note that I don't specify
librarian here) speak MARC fluently.  It combines significant
simplicity with incredible flexibility.
        If you want more information, their toll free number is:
The fellow who gave the demonstration is David Madsen.  They have
a demo disk available.
To answer your question about DataTrek, I got to watch (and help)
the installation at Novell's Provo office. (The librarian is a
friend of mine and was gracious about my interest in the process).
Installation was not as simple as we thought it would be.  The documentation
for that is somewhat confusing and we had to fiddle with the config.sys
and autoexec.bat on her system to get available memory to acceptable
levels.  Installation took 5 hours and we had one of Novell's
engineers doing the actual work.  In trouble at one point, we called
DataTrek's Technical Support line.  Installing?  Oh, you need an
appointment to have Tech Support for an installation problem.  So much
for Tech Support.  They did answer our question, but between myself
and Novell's engineer, we'd already figured it out.
She has been using the system for a while and it is not seeing her
subject headings but it is accepting downloaded records from LC's
CD-ROM.  Not many maps on that product, though.  I will pass your
message on to her so that she can give you a full(er) view.
Debra Lords
[log in to unmask]
Marriott Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City,  UT  84112
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 1994 12:16:07 EST
From: Chris Devan <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list MAPS-L <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Map cataloging
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This is a repeat from GeoNet - I'm a novice so please excuse
any redundancy or boo-boos:
A small specia l library in geology (State survey) needs advice
on library cataloging of maps in computerese.  We're looking at
Data Trek Professional Series software.  Does anyone have
experience or expertise they'd like to share.  Meanwhile, best
wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR:  Chris Devan , Librarian