----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The following appeared on GIS-L. Thought MAPS-L might be an appropriate place
to cross-post. Anything to help our North American cousins :-)
Darius Bartlett
----- Begin message from IN%"[log in to unmask]"  11-Jan-94
        IN%"[log in to unmask]"  "Geographic Information Systems Discussion List"
       11-JAN-1994 15:57
        IN%"[log in to unmask]"  "Multiple recipients of list GIS-L"
Subj:   Maps available
We're cleaning out our files and will have 100's of old USGS 1:24000
topo maps to dispose of.  I couldn't let these be thrown away, so I
have to find homes for them.  They are mostly from Virginia and other
southeastern U.S. states.  Any suggestions?  I tried to send this
message to GEOGRAPH@searn or [log in to unmask] but it was
rejected, thought GIS-L next most appropriate list.
Steve Holzman
USDA Forest Service
[log in to unmask]
----- End forwarded message