----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thu, 10 Feb 1994 14:38:55 EST Johnnie D. Sutherland said:
>      ROBB JAMES JOSEPH <[log in to unmask]>
>         Re: CSU Northridge - earthquake damage
>And this wasn't the "big one". How prepared are we as a society to deal
>with such natural disasters?
And more to the point, how long are we as a society going to continue to
protect those who put themselves in harm's way (live in trailers in
hurricane or tornado country, build houses on stilts in earthquake country,
building in lowlands in flood country, etc.)?   The way to stop this
madness is to treat people like adults and refuse to pay them for their
mistakes once the folly is exposed.  And we all know who we are.  I crawled
under my SF house, bolted my  foundation, installed 3/4" plywood cripple walls,
taped up my hot water heater, put a wrench next to my gas meter, etc..
We must each protect ourselves, no one else can do it for us.    Dave
Dave Gomberg, role model for those who don't ask much in their fantasy lives.
GOMBERG@UCSFVM           Internet node UCSFVM.UCSF.EDU     fax-> (415)731-7797
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