----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have been enjoying the discussion concerning maps as ballads and other
types of music.  It has been fun to revisit old friends through the eyes
of other map fans.  The discussion has stimulated my little "grey cells"
to think about maps in poetry and other literature.  This thought process
led me to try to identify any songs which have lyrics that mention maps
or any music that has maps in it's title.  We know there have been special
renditions of songs for mapping conventions and puns or play on words in-
volving maps e.g. Mapping My Way to Glory.  However, I am thinking of
original pieces of music.  So, does anyone on the List have suggestions of
music which in its lyrics or title has the word maps (or a variation,
including other languages)
in its lyrics or title?
The following are offered to stimulate your imaginations: (1) Stopwatch and
an Ordnance Map, op. 15 by Samuel Barber (1954) An Orchestral score.(1954);
(2) The Map Makers. by Nathalia Crane(poems) music by Frances E. Friedman
(1925): (3)  Road Map for a Free Jazz Group by Michel Legrand (1981). and
Rhoda Map by Thad Jones performed by the Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra (1990).
There is no grand prize for the best suggestion unless someone wants a map
of Florida or Gainesville!!! I just hope everyone has as much fun as I did
compiling my list.  HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library, University
of Florida.