----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On 25 Feb 1994, Suzanne Taylor <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> A faculty member here at Colorado State is trying to locate Veldes Town,
> Krain County which existed in 1842 in the area of Slovenia/Czechoslovakia.
> We do not have any historical maps here that give that information.  Can
> anybody help locate this town by lat/lon or whatever?  Thanks very much.
Krain (English:  "Carinthia") is a province in the south of Austria, bordering
on Slovenia;  its capital is Klagenfurt.  The place your faculty member seeks
is probably VELDEN, a city on the western end of the W"orther [Woerther] See,
approximately half way between Klagenfurt and Villach.
Michael Palmer, quondam Research Director
German Genealogical Society of America