----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The University of Florida is in the process of producing a map of our
campus for the visually impaired.  The earlier editions were simple affairs
and it is hoped that the new version will provide the information in the
3 formats of large print, braile and tactile.
The contr act for the job will be let soon and I am involved in the reviewing
of proposals for the final selection.  I am hoping persons on the list
might provide recommendations of cartographers they know of who have worked
on similar maps.  Also I would be happy to respond to cartographers
who might be interested in more information.  The names of the possible
cartographers will be given to our ADA Coordinator for further action.
The project has a rapidly approaching deadline so time is a factor.
We would greatly appreciate any assistance you might give us in finding
the best person for the job.
HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library University of Florida.
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