----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        For your information:
        I have just learned of a new map cataloging consulting firm named
        Rickert and Associates, 14009 Brighton Dam Road, Clarksville,
        Maryland, 21029, (301) 854-3602.  I just received a flyer
        indicating their services which include: "cataloging your maps on
        worksheets for your input;" "cataloging your maps on OCLC;"
        "corrections on your database;" "retrospective conversion;" and
        "reclassification."  Map cataloging records will include USMARC
        format, follow OCLC guidelines, include ISBD punctuation, follow
        AACR2Rev, use LC authorities, LC classification (or a local one),
        and use LC subject headings (or a local set).
        For more information contact:  Ms. Frances M. Rickert at the above
        Now all we have to do is convince our library administrators to
        "buy into" this service, eh?
        Jim Minton
        The University of Tennessee-Knoxville
        [log in to unmask]
        (615) 974-4315