This message is from Alice Hudson.---------Johnnie
      [log in to unmask]
      Tue Feb 8 16:50:34 EST 1994
For a paper I am doing for Biblion, The Research Libraries, NYPL, journal, I
am looking for anecdotes about map libraries, geography collections,
geographers, et. al., and World War II. NYPL is already covered nicely in
Emergence of Maps in Libraries, etc., NYPL archives, etc. But I would like to
put the story in the context of the national unpreparedness for WWII, the
massive search for maps in collections, and the search for expertise in
libraries and geography depts around the country. [insert the word Federal
before the word search in both places above!]
Anecdotes from your library would be most interesting to me, and ye olde
general reading public.
I hope to reprint the article in a mappy type publication to get wider
distribution among an interested audience. For the NYPL Biblion audience this
will be another one of those introductions to what maps are all about; for the
maps-l audience it should be a mild entertainment.
Many thanks for your input on this. Please respond to my email address:
[log in to unmask]                  Thanks, Alice.