Three messages about a new listserv.  ------Johnniecartograp
      Thu, 10 Mar 1994 12:11 MST
      DEBBIE LORDS <[log in to unmask]>
         New Listserv
     I wonder, too, about the advisability of a new listserv.  It seems
discussions there would cross-post here and those on both would be double
     If the desire is based on people not wanting to see what doesn't
interest them, there are filters and delete keys available.  My major
interests are only rarely discussed here, but I enjoy seeing what other
topics come under discussion.
     Is the delay in posting, due to moderating, the objection, or the
moderating itself?  I've often wondered why so specialized a list as MAPS-L
is moderated.  I am co-owmer of ASIS-L and we don't have much problem with
inappropriate or accidental postings.  And, like MAPS-L, there isn't a great
deal of traffic on ASIS-L.  We find the subscribers become the moderators so
it isn't a burden to the list owners.
     Just my 250 cents (inflation).
Debbie Lords
[log in to unmask]
Marriott Library
University of Utah
      [log in to unmask]
      Thu Mar 10 15:11:34 EST 1994
         re: New Listserv
Oy! If we were all perfect what a wonderful world it would be...
It could well be that MAPHIST may fail because (1) we all get annoyed at
having yet another thing to read (so far, however, I have been having enormous
fun, and have seen things not previously posted to maps-l) or (2) David Cobb
or whoever is managing the thing gets sick and tired of managing it or(3) who
knows... So we try it for 6 months or a year and keep it or give it up.
Whatever works, as they say in my neighborhood. Personally, I would rather
have more information than less, anytime.  Alice Hudson
[log in to unmask]
      Thu, 10 Mar 1994 13:59:00 -0500 (EST)
      Eric Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
         Re: New Listserv
        I can't see how a new listserv can be a bad thing. We all know our
    own work-loads and time restrictions, and we should be able to select
    our lists accordingly. If you're not interested in a new list, you
    should certainly refrain from joining. But please don't try to
    discourage others from offering new lists on ANY subject. We are all
    blessed with various tastes, and I'm not sure that it would be in any
    of our best interests if folks hesitated to offer new lists just
    because some didn't think they were needed. (I'm sure MAPS-L had it's
    share of detractors in the early days.) If new lists are sprouting like
    weeds, let the natural course of what I call "Internet Darwinism" take
    it's course. The lists that are viable and serve a purpose will last,
    and those that do not will not. We needn't try to be restrictive at
    this early stage of the game.
        The Internet is still in it's childhood and lacks a matured and
    deliberate direction. That's as it should be...children do some mighty
    creative things. They also do some pretty dumb things - from which they
    learn. I'm not suggesting for a second that the Net should be developed
    without any sense of discipline or direction, but I don't think it's
    growth should be potentially stunted. If we all participate in those
    services that best suit our needs, things will develope in a full and
    natural manner. We should never presume to disuade someone from adding
    a list just because we might not see an individual need for, or
    interest in it. Let's just make our best personal use of the Net, and
    let "Internet Darwinism" do the rest.
Eric Schmidt                            =|-    "The Gentleman From
University of Tennessee                 -|=         Tennessee's
Cartographic Information Center         =|-      Time Has Expired"
(615) 974-4315                          -|=
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