----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I'd like to get some bkgd. info. on the Stanford company in
We have a couple of loose leaf catalogs, comparable to ILH's GEO
Katalog, that date from the age of the dinosaurs.  (Well ... they
haven't been updated probably since the 70s.)  Does Stanford
still produce these catalogs?  I heard that they had even gone
out of business, but I have some relatively recent glossy fliers
advertising their store in London.
I was planning on tossing the catalogs to save valuable shelf
space, where every inch counts.  But they're packed with index
maps of map series all over the world;  are these worth keeping?
(Sort of for bibliographical reasons, not as a catalog.)  Are
these index maps likely to be about the same as what's in GEO
Katalog or some other source?
As a relative newcomer to our map collection, I'm probably too
hesitant to over-weed and throw away something that might, just
possibly, have some use to someone, someday, maybe.
Thanks for your help ...
Mark Thomas                         | Yet there's not a train I
Evans Library, Texas A&M University |     wouldn't take
(409) 862-1052 / FAX (409) 845-6238 | No matter where it's going
mthomas@tamrigel / [log in to unmask] |   --Edna St. Vincent Millay