----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello Judith,
Although our Map Collection does have many WWII-era aerials of many areas of
the Pacific and SE Asia, we unfortunately do not have any for Tarawa,
Kiribati (formerly Gilbert Is.).  I would suggest that you contact the Bishop
Museum, here in Honolulu (ph, (808)-848-4182, ask for Stewart Ching).
According to the publication _Air Photographs of Pacific Islands Filed in tf
Tarawa Atoll that were taken between 1943 and 1945.
Additionally, the National Archives in DC has film negatives of many areas
flown during WWII, including the Gilbert Is.  I've contacted a Mr. Stuart L.
Butler there in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch, who has been most
helpful in the past.
We do have the US Army Map Service topographic maps of the Gilbert Islands,
series X843, 1:25,000-scale, that were compiled using the US Navy 1945
photography.  We can supply bl&wh xerox copies if your patron does not
already have.
Good luck and let me know if you need more information.
Ross Togashi
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Hamilton Library Map Collection   mmmmmmmmm....spam/maps.