----------------------------Original message----------------------------
               State University of New York at Stony Brook
                       Stony Brook, NY 11794-3331
                                            David Y Allen
                                            516 632-7110
                                            24-Mar-1994 08:13am EDT
TO:    Remote Addressee                     ( [log in to unmask] )
Subject: Recent Sanborn maps
        Can anyone explain to me what has been happening with fire insurance
maps since about 1960?  I was under the impression that the Sanborn Map Company
had stopped producing new maps at about that date.  Now Chadwyck-Healy and UPA a
offering post-1960 Sanborn maps for sale on microfilm.  Are these new maps or
just corrected versions of old maps?  How extensive is their coverage?  Are
they worth buying?
        Also, what are insurance companies doing?  Do they still make much use
of these maps?  They must have their records computerized by now.  If they
still use maps at all, it would seem logical for them to maintain them in
digital form.