----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I beg to differ with F. Hoffmann on the need for additional map list-serves. I
am hopeful that several thematic servers might evolve over the months ahead,
which themselves might evolve into online journals. For example, I have
meditated on creating a public libraries-maps list serve to deal with common
issues that public libraries face, that university and rare books map curators
could care less about, and would rather not have to weed out of their files
daily. Of course, I only meditated briefly, let the feeling pass, and went on
with my life...I fully realize how much time Johnnie, for example, as
moderator of maps-l, gives to this profession every day, just "doing"
maps-l.Another maps-l, thematic, that is,might be one on conservation. Who
knows? And perhaps this won't work.  But, I am excited that today we have
heard about historians finding out about maps--and that is a group of people
who for years have been difficult to reach, vis a vis the research and
intellectual value of the cartographic record...oops, that's another
soapbox!So, if you are afraid you are going to miss something, sign up. If you
are not interested in history, or public libraries, or conservation , don't.
Do I hear Pandora's box opening...? Alice Hudson, NYPL
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