----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Greetings to Maps-L!
We here at Purdue University are tinkering with the notion of placing
some data sets on a server available over the internet.  The intent of
the server is not to provide data to the entire world, but it will probably
turn out that the entire world can gain access to data sets we do not restrict
access to.  Some of the data sets were obtained through our participation in
the depository library program.  My basic questions are:
Have other sites gone through a similar exercise?
What copyright problems have you encountered with government data?
How does one define value-added and what are the copyright implications
for data one has added value to?
Is there an easily defined statement of copyright for data obtained at a
"cost-recovery" rate from governmental agencies not participating in the
depository program (the national geophysical data center is an example)?
We are not trying to build a data server for the world, but are mainly
interested in supplying data to GIS users in Indiana and the immediately
surrounding area.  Any experiences or comments from the map library or
maps-l community are welcome.
Thanks for any responses I might get,
Pat Allen
Purdue University
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