----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thu, 14 Apr 1994 14:59:47 EDT <[log in to unmask]> said:
>Has anyone heard any further information regarding the possible offering
>of the Geographic Names Information System CD from USGS?? Here they have
>a valuable resource which seems to be hoarded by them and their ESIC
>network. I know it is available on the "highway" but I've encountered too
>many frost heaves out there lately and would just like to have our own CD
>to use.
According to Melissa Lamont's Mapnews column in the latest issue of
DTTP, libraries will be able to purchase the GNIS CD-ROM from the
USGS Distribution Center for "around $37. Information on availability
and ordering will be include in an upcoming issue of Administrative
Notes." The GNIS CD-ROM will not be a depository item, apparently
because it includes proprietory software.
Blake Gumprecht                                Telephone: (215) 204-3187
Documents Librarian                                  Fax: (215) 204-5201
Paley Library (017-00)                    Internet: [log in to unmask]
Temple University                                Bitnet: gumpbw@templevm
Philadelphia, PA 19122