----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In reply to Larry Cruse's request for information about Nicolas de Fer:
The best text I have seen is by Mireille Pastoureau, in her volume
_Les Atlas francais, XVIe-XVIIe siecles_ (Paris: BN, 1984).  Chapter 13
deals with de Fer's atlases; pages 167-70 include a biography and an
overview of his work.
_The Map Collector_ (No. 29, Dec. 1984, pp. 22-26) published an article
titled "The Original Beaver Map -- De Fer's 1698 Wall Map of America" by
some obscure author; looking for anything about de Fer and gardens in it
might have you barking up the wrong tree.
Ed Dahl
Early Cartography Specialist         Tel.: (613) 995-1452
National Archives of Canada          Fax:  (613) 995-6575
Ottawa  K1A 0N3  CANADA              Internet: [log in to unmask]