----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Jim is right.  You don't necessarily need a separate bibliographic record,
though that is, in the long run, an easier solution.  I don't recall if you
said what system you use, but you have to deal with a real limit on the
number of bar-encoded labels which can be linked to any bibliographic record.
 You run into questions regarding logical breakdowns of areas.  For states
such as Rhode Island, its no big deal.  But Utah boast 1400+ quads and
California has even more!
Then you have to deal with letting the patron know if something is overdue.
What would you take back if you got an overdue message that read:
     California 7.5 topographic map 00328 is overdue.
You've lost the map and want to replace it.  How do you tell the patron which
quad to get?
I think Linda Z. is wise in having a discussion for circulation of maps at
the Fall Conference.
Debra Lords
[log in to unmask]
Marriott Library
University of Utah
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 14:42:00 EDT
From: Jim Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Cataloging of USGS 7.5 topos etc.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Do you have plans to circulate maps with an online system?  If so, you need
records for maps at the sheet level.
Jim Coombs
Map Librarian
Southwest Missouri State University
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