----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The following is the 1994 ACMLA Conference Program and registration form.
Hope to see everyone there!
(This is posted to both CARTA and MAPS-L)
                           1994  ANNUAL CONFERENCE
                            University of Guelph,
                              Guelph, Ontario
                             JUNE 7 - 11, 1994
Tuesday, June 7
8:30 - 5:00  Registration, Group Viewing Room, 3rd Floor
McLaughlin Library
9:00 - 5:00
Pre-Conference Workshop: Introduction to Internet Map
Sources. (Two sessions of the same are offered: 9-12am and 1-4pm.
Register early, space is limited.)
Colleen Beard, Map Librarian and Alun Hughes, Brock
University, Geography.  Geography Computer Lab, Room 231A,
H.L. Hutt Bldg.
Map Redistribution
ACMLA Committee Meetings
6:30 - 8:30      Ice Breaker Reception, Faculty Club, 5th
floor University Centre. (Library sponsored)
Wednesday, June 8
8:45 - 9:00
Opening Remarks:
Cathy Moulder, ACMLA President
John Black, Head Librarian, University of Guelph
9:00 - 11:30
Public Access to Cartographic Information:
Government PerspectivesQPanel Discussion
Moderator: Richard Pinnell
Earle Price, Assistant Director, Marketing, Natural Resources
Ernie Boyko, Director, Census Operations Division, Statistics
Stan Mathewson, Manager, Information Access, Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources
11:30 - 1:00   Lunch
1:00 - 3:45
Historical Mapping Session
Moderator: Carolyn Gray
Alun Hughes, Dept. of Geography, Brock University. "The Deep
Hollow, the White Oak Tree and the Split Rock: the Early
Surveys of Niagara".
Gerald Bloomfield, Dept. of Geography, University of Guelph.
"Maps and Historical Studies of Industry".
2:15 - 2:45   Break
Byron Moldolfsky, Manager Cartography Office, Department of
Geography, University of Toronto. "The Historical Atlas of
Canada: Feedback from Users and the Implications for
Supplementary Data Products".
Alain Rainville, Archivist, Cartographic and Architectural
Sector,  Visual and Sound Archives, National Archives of
Canada. "Fortification Surveys Series of 1867".
4:15- 5:30   Slo-pitch baseball game
5:30 -?      BBQ at the Moulders
Thursday, June 9
8:45 - 10:30
Education and Training:  Geo-Referenced Data
Moderator: Cathy Moulder
ARL Canadian GIS Literacy Project:
John Black,  President, ARL
Prue Adler, Assistant Executive Director for Federal Relations
and Information Policy, ARL
Bob Maher, Education and Training, Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources. Corporate GIS Training at MNR: Implications for the
Map Library Community.
10:30 - 11:00     Break
11:00 - 12:45
Demonstrations/Presentations of Electronic Products
Moderator: Colleen Beard
Kathryn Rumbold, Registrar, Cape Dorset Collection, McMichael
Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg,  Ontario. "Laser Disk
Technology: A Tool for Collections Management at the
McMichael Canadian Art Collection".
Dan Mackay, SMRSS, Products and Services Division,
Department Natural Resources Canada
Keevin Flexhaug, Assistant Manager, Electronic Data Products
and Services,  Statistics Canada
12:45 - 2:00     Lunch
2:00 - 4:00
Group Discussion Session: New Initiatives in Map
Discussion Leaders: Grace Welch, Carol Marley, Trudy Bodak,
Barbara Farrell
1.Promoting and marketing our products and services.
2.Coping with shrinking budgets.
3.Future job requirements for the map curator.
4.Integrating digital products in map collections.
4:00 - 6:00
Vendor Fair: Demonstrations and displays of cartographic
Friday, June 10
9:00 - 12:00
28th ACMLA Annual General Meeting
12:00 - 12:30
Annual Report of the Visual and Sound Archives Division,
Betty Kidd, Director, Visual and Sound Archives, National
Archives of Canada.
12:30 - 2:00     Lunch
2:00 - 4:30
Tours of Government  Agencies: GIS Initiatives
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food: Bob Van den Broek,
Program Manager, GIS.
City of Guelph : Pam Ross, Manager, GIS.
6:00 -    Annual Banquet, College Inn
Door prizes, line dancing
Saturday, June 11
9:00 - 5:00     Field Trip
Countryside tour, including visits to a Mennonite homestead,
buggy factory and farmers' market. Visits to several points of
interest along the Niagara Escarpment, including Elora Gorge
and Crawford Lake.
                       1994 ACMLA CONFERENCE
                         REGISTRATION FORM
Name _____________________________________
Affiliation ______________________________
Address __________________________________
Phone: ______________ Fax: _______________
E-mail: __________________________________
Full Registration includes BBQ and Banquet
Full Registration (by May 13)              $105.00 ______
Full Registration (after May 13)           $120.00 ______
Full-time Student Registration
(sessions only)                             $25.00 ______
One day registration (sessions only)
Wednesday___ Thursday___ Friday___         @$40.00 ______
Extra Banquet tickets               _____  @$30.00 ______
Extra BBQ tickets                   _____  @$15.00 ______
Field Trip                          _____  @$20.00 ______
Internet Workshop  am session ____
               or  pm session ____          $15.00 ______
                                         TOTAL     ______
Please Make Cheques/Money orders payable to:
1994 ACMLA Conference
Return to:
ACMLA Conference
c/o Flora Francis
University of Guelph Library
Guelph, Ontario, CANADA
N1G 2W1
For additional information, call or write Flora at:
tel: (519) 824-4121 ext 3150
fax: (519) 824-6931
email: [log in to unmask]