----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have already responded directly to Pat Doyle's request but thought I would
also send this response to Maps-L in case anyone else is interested.
We have a 20-page bibliography of GIS and LIS (land inf. systems) works in
our collection which includes government and non-government citations.  It is
free and I'm happy to send copies to anyone who wants it.  Just send me your
mailing address.  We also have similar bibliographies of works on Automated
Cartography; Remote Sensing; and Global Change and Climate which I am happy
to share.  All of the works can be borrowed through Inter-library loan.
  Mary E. (Betty) Graziani
  Technical Information Specialist
  U.S. Geological Survey
  NMD Reference Collection  MS-522
  Reston, VA  22092       Phone: (703) 648-4559