----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The University of Iowa Map Collection has five (and only five!)
sheets from the Deutsches Reich 1:50 000 series.  At the top is
also printed "Deutsche Heereskarte  Ausgabe Nr. 1."  These sheets
were printed in 1944, are in great condition, and cover areas in
We'd like to hear from any libraries that already have a collection
of these and could use the following sheets:
          373 A-4   Rzejowice
          373 B-1   Skorkowice
          373 B-3   Przedborz
          374 C-3   Checiny
          381 B-2   Jedrzejow
          381 B-4   Wodzislaw
Please send a message telling which sheet or sheets you'd like and
your mailing address.
Jane Carlson, Map Collection Assistant
University of Iowa
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