----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Greetings (only 200 more messages to read/respond to),
Mary Anne, incase your patron is interested in WWII vintage aerial
photography of Bali, the Hamilton Library might have some that may be useful.
We have some 70,000 aerial photos of Western Pacific that were flown by the
US military during or shortly after WWII, and includes some 33,000 photos of
Indonesia.  The only thing about this collection is that there are no
flightline diagrams and so accessing these photos is extremely time
consuming.  (see my boss' article in _Meridian_, no. 7 1992).  Hey, what
better reason to come to Hawaii for a visit?!
Ross Togashi
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Hamilton Library Map Collection   mmmm...walking in the picket line made me
                                          dizzy-just walking in circles for
                                             hours and hours...