----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Could you have a lock (s) made for the files so that when  Government
Documents is not staffed the cases are locked and unavailable at those times?
Our collection is in a separate room in the library, and maps are only
checked out during the Map Room hours (Mon.-Fri., 8am-4:30pm).   In an
emergency, a Reference librarian can come down and get a map when the room is
closed.  I also make arrangements with students to have non-circulating
material in the Reference Room in the evenings and weekends.
Our pre-1900 maps are in map files with a locking system that I think is
"homemade."  It predates me.  It consists of a rod that slips through the
drawer handles and locks at the top with a padlock.  People could remove
tattle tape and maybe damage the map in the process.  Could the maps be
encapsulated in plastic with the tattle tape inside the plastic?  I don't
know if this would defeat the tattle tape.
Joyce Ryerson
Map Room
Baker Library
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
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