----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     The June issue of Consumer Report has a feature article on U.S. road
atlases.  The atlases were rated by both a cartographer and by  members of
the public sent out on the road with the maps to find how helpful and
accurate each publication was.  Rand McNally's standard atlas came in first.
     The article also has a sidebar listing what information was sent by each
state tourist commission when asked for a current road map. I think it
includes an address or toll-free phone number for each state office.
    ( Clarification for non-U.S. readers: Consumer Report is an independent
organization which publishes an ad-free magazine devoted to rating commonly
purchased products like cars or washing machines. I believe the British
equivalent is called Which?)
Barbara Cox                        Internet:[log in to unmask]
                                   Phone: (801)581-7533
Science & Engr. Div. Head          Fax: (801)585-3464
158 Marriott Library               Bitnet:lbbcox@utahlib
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 USA