----------------------------Original message----------------------------
          We're just about to encapsulate/tattle-tape all current
          California quads then stand them up vertically for users
          self-service and staff refiling convenience. We will
          probably color code the top edges to keep order. When new
          edition's arrive, we'll open Mylar envelope and swap in the
          new, tattle-taped quad and archive the old ones in locked
          cabinets. They should still be pristine at this point and I
          hope it reduces "shrinkage" to a practical minimm.
          We're also involved in quadrangle "repatriation." We'd
          gladly send you superseded AK quads if you'd accept them for
          yourself and redistribution to other collections in Alaska.
          There are about ten of us participating down here in the
          "lower" 48 and I'm supposed to be coordinating.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We recently conducted an inventory of the USGS topo collection
for our state (Alaska) for the first time in about a decade.
We were frustrated to find 25% of these maps are missing.
Our maps are available to the public in flat files located
next to the Government Documents reference area.  The nearby
Documents office is staffed 8-5 M-F.  We have considered
putting tattle tape strips on the maps, but they can be easily
removed.  We do not want to make the maps a closed collection.
I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on how other
libraries have handled the security problem for the map
Jodi Gouwens               University of Alaska Fairbanks
Government Documents Libn         [log in to unmask]
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>Subject: Map collection security
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>X-CCaddr: Bcc: larry cruse AT ucsdlibrary
>X-CCaddr: Bcc: paul leverenz AT ucsdlibrary
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