----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Art Reference Quarterly is a new journal and the issue on Cartographic
Information for Architecture was Volume 1 #3.  It had a guest editor named
Alfred Willis.  However, the Journal's editor is Edward H. Teague, Head of
the Architecture and Fine Arts Library, The University of FLorida Gainesville.
His EMAIL address is: [log in to unmask]    He would be happy to give
you the information necessary to acquire the issue.
Ed works closely with the Map & Imagery Libr. which holds the Fire Insurance
Map Collection for Florida as well as the urban maps, GIS materials and aerial
photographs.  These are used by persons from the College of Architecture and
Building Construction plus the Departments of Urban and Regional Planning and
I have shared some of the messages with him that appeared on MAPS-L.  He is
interested in people's response to this issue and would like to hear any com-
ments or suggestions you might have.  We are discussing in the future having
additional articles or a column concerning cartographic information updates.
The publishing of this special issue so early in the life of a journal I see
as a positive development which should be nurtured. The more subject
specialists interested in the use of the maps the better it would seem for
the map making and library community.
HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library University of Florida