----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Howdy!  Much to our surprise, the Map Collection just got a Mita DC-3648.
We had been promised a large-size copier before, but something always
went wrong and we never got one.  The copier works quite well and the
patrons are happy when we mention we have one, but no one has used it
yet because of the price.  The powers-that-be here at NU have set a
copying price of $2.00 a foot.  I think this is a bit high, and was
wondering what prices other libraries with similar copiers charge.  It
is a black and white copier and can handle sheets 36" wide and up to
79" long.  If anyone who has a similar copier could send me a quick
note saying what their copying charge is, I'd really appreciate it.
Denise Coles
Northwestern Univ. Library
Map Collection
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