----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In an effort to get a change in my telephone number out to as many people as
possible in a short period of time I decided to first post it on MAPS-L, then
follow up using other methods as soon as possible. So, the following is my
new telephone number in case any of you out there need to or want to contact
me in the future:
This change was made necessary due to the location of my work area, which is
on a different floor from where my desk is located in the Cataloging Dept., and
a new telephone extention to my work area. This has been a long time in coming
for me, so I'm willing to put up with minor difficulties due to a new telephone
number (such as having to scratch out the old one and write in the new one
on approximately 300 business cards). By the way, if any of you come for a visi
visit to the Univ. of Georgia in the future and would like to see where the
actual map cataloging gets done, I'd be happy to show you the farthest corner
in the sub-basement of the Main Library (across campus from the Map Collection
of course) which I call home!
Paige Andrew
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Dept./Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-0585
Fax: (706) 542-4144
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Bitnet: [log in to unmask]