----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Please excuse any duplication.
WHAT? You don't know what NEMO is/stands for? NEMO is the North
East Map Organization and they are holding their eighth annual
conference at Boston College's beautiful Chestnut Hill campus on
Thursday and Friday, June 2-3, 1994. Please contact Jim Walsh at
B.C. ([log in to unmask]) for further information regarding the
program or meetings.
A few attendees have talked of a map swap and we are now scheduling
this "even" at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 2d. Everyone is invited to
bring their duplicates, discards, or whatever and you can send them
beforehand by contacting Jim Walsh. This may become an annual event
and you have the chance to participate in the FIRST annual!
Questions or comments may be sent to me below.
David A. Cobb                           PH  (617) 495-2417
Harvard Map Collection                  FAX (617) 496-9802
Harvard College Library                 [log in to unmask]
Cambridge, MA 02138
                          VE * RI * TAS