2 messages about guides to European Map Collections.-------Johnnie
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         Guide to European Map Collections? (A)
Unfortunately there is no 'Guide to European Mapcollections'.
However if we would think about publishing one it would, as far
as libraries are concerned, for the larger part duplicate the
information in :
"World directory of Map Collections. - 3rd ed.. - Mu[e]nchen etc.
: K.G. Saur, 1993. - 310 p."
This guide contains extensive information about 19 Italian, 15
French and 19 Swiss map collections. Furthermore it gives the
titles of guides to map collections in France (published in
"Intergeo Bulletin, 100, 1990) and Switserland (Karten in
Schweizer Bibliotheken und Archiven. - Zu[e]rich (Kartensammlung,
Ra[e]mistrasse 101, CH-8092 Zu[e]rich) : ETH-Bibliothek, 1992).
Jan Smits
Secretary Groupe des Cartothecaires de LIBER (European
Workinggroup for Mapcuratorship)
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         Re: Guide to European Map Collections?
      Sun, 08 May 94 13:58:31 -0700
There is the guide that the IFLA map group put
together - World Directory of Map Collections (1976)
is what's on the shelves here, but I seem to remember
reading about a new edition.
Mary Larsgaard, UCSB