----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Our map working party is tossing around the issue of lending
maps. At QUT maps hang in open access on rungs by a plastic
strip affixed to the top of the sheet. I have reservations
because maps are fragile by nature. Would be interested in
hearing from academic libraries who have considered this issue
and of the experience of academic libraries who loan maps.
Thanks,  Graham.
|                                                                        |
| Graham Dawson                           Internet:  [log in to unmask] |
| Cataloguing Section                        Voice:   +  61  7  864 3257 |
| Queensland University of Technology          Fax:   +  61  7  864 3994 |
| Library                              *                                 |
| Locked Bag No. 2                   *   *                               |
| RED HILL  QLD  4059                   .                                |
| Brisbane   Australia                 *        Local VAXMail:   DAWSONG |
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