----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Exploring Maps is an educational package geared for 8 to 12th grades.
Two, 2 sided printed posters with the history of maps depicted. Teacher
s Teaching guide, information and activity sheets for use with the
Second package iis the
is 3rd thru 7th level titled "What do maps show".
Included in the pack. are map examples with reproducibles to use as
handouts, background material, and student activity sheets.
Send in a request for a copy each of these on your school or agency
letterhead and we'll send these to you free.
Mail request to:
        507 National Cntr.
        Reston, Va. 22092
or drop your mailing address and request via the net and I'll pick them
out and have mailed to you.
John Shanton
Reston, Va.