----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Some time ago the Chair of the Geography and Map Division, Special Libraries
Association, Ms. Alice Hudson, asked me to put out an announcement on
MAPS-L regarding minutes from last year's (1993) Business Meeting held in the
wonderful city of Cincinnati. Through shuffling of papers on my desk as I
prepare to finalize program planning duties for the upcoming Atlanta Conference
I ran across the note she sent to me. So, I am following through on this reques
t from Alice by stating the following to those of you who will be at this
year's SLA Annual Conference and will be attending the scheduled Business
Meeting on Monday morning, June13th:
Please review the minutes of last year's Business Meeting minutes, as found
in the September 1993 issue of the Geography and Map Division _Bulletin_ before
coming to this year's Business meeting! This is your opportunity to ask questio
ns regarding the events that transpired at last year's meeting or to provide
necessary changes/clarifications to the minutes document that will be duly
noted by the Secretary in this year's minutes.
Again, these minutes are found on pages 56-57 of _Bulletin_ No. 173, Sept. 1993
under the title of "Business Meeting, June 7, 1993, Draft Minutes".
Thank you all for your assistance!
Paige Andrew
Chair-elect, Geography and Map Division, SLA
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Dept./Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1554
Fax: (706) 542-4144
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