----------------------------Original message----------------------------
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The Trustees are pleased to announce the award of the first
     Dr Mead T. Cain (New York). 'The maps of the Society for the
     Diffusion of Useful Knowledge'. [March 1994].
     Dr Claire Lemoine-Isabeau (Musee Royal de l'Armee,
     Brussels). 'Histoire de la cartographie du territoire
     belge'. [April 1994].
     Roger A. Starling (University of Toronto). 'Topography and
     power: English Renaissance drama and the production of space
     1580-1640'. [For 1995].
Applications for 1995 Fellowships are invited from anyone
pursuing advanced research in the history of cartography,
irrespective of nationality, discipline or profession.
Preference will be given to interpretative studies in map
history, irrespective of area, theme or period.  This reflects
Brian Harley's own contribution to interdisciplinary and creative
research in the history of maps and mapping throughout the world.
Awards are normally of 400 pounds sterling, to assist with the
cost of two weeks in London.  The Harley Fellowships are
prestigious, as the only ones of their kind in Europe.  They are
endorsed by the British Library, National Maritime Museum, Public
Record Office and Royal Geographical Society and aim to promote
use of the great wealth of cartographic material available in
Anyone contemplating applying should request a Fellowships
leaflet from the undersigned.  Closing date for applications is
1st November.  Institutions are invited to request copies of the
leaflet for display purposes.  Please indicate which listserv(s)
drew your attention to this notice.
Tony Campbell
Honorary Secretary
J.B. Harley Research Fellowships Trust
British Library Map Library
Great Russell Street
London, WC1B 3DG
United Kingdom
Fax:      (0)71 323 7780
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