----------------------------Original message----------------------------
                   Ohio University Electronic Communication
   Date:  06-Jun-1994 09:25am EST
     To:  Remote Addressee                     ( _mx%"[log in to unmask]" )
   From:  Theodore Foster                            Dept:  Library
          FOSTERTH                                 Tel No:  (614) 593-2659
Subject:  re Nautical Charts-Health Hazards?
    Since we, nor users, have not experienced any symptoms of overexposure
    and materials are stored more or less in the open we felt there was no
    problem locally.  However, we did feel that this information should be
    provided to users as suggesed by the DMA.  Showing or handing out the
    data to users in the self-service setting was not practical
    (overkill?).  We did post a notice reading -- Notice Hydrographic
    Charts Users  Potential Allergic Reaction  Please read the Safety Data
    below.  We also taped the safety Data sheets to the protector covers in
    the appropriate drawers; and no longer re-cycle nautical charts.  So
    far no comments by users (or the student newspaper!).
    Ted Foster
Received:  06-Jun-1994 09:55am