----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Sorry for the short notice!
Jim Minton and I would like to try to arrange a map postcard
exchange at the SLA conference in Atlanta.  If you collect map
postcards, please bring about 20-30 duplicates to the conference.
Those of us who are interested in trading can meet, possibly set
up some "ground rules" (so everybody has access to the "good
stuff") and exchange duplicates.  I suggest we meet at the
Geography and Map Division Open House on Sunday evening.  We can
trade then or agree to meet another time, either after the
programs on June 14th (Tuesday, after 4:30 p.m.) or June 15th
(Wednesday, after 4:00 p.m.).  If you are interested, let Jim or
me know.
Mary Galneder, Arthur H. Robinson Map Library, 310 Science Hall, University of
Wisconsin, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI  53706-1491, (608) 262-1471,