----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Notice to those of you who will be driving to the SLA Annual Conference in
Atlanta in a few days: I deparately need folks to volunteer to drive to and
from ERDAS, Inc. in the northern suburbs of Atlanta on Monday afternoon, June
To date I have had a dozen people RSVP to me that they plan on going on this
tour but I do expect a few more may want to go. Therefore, I am planning on
20 people and thus need something like 6-8 drivers to be able to carry anywhere
between 2 and 4 people each so we can follow each other up the Interstate and
back. This would preclude an awkward situation of having to ride the MARTA
train up to the closest station and then transferring to a MARTA bus to take
us to right in front of the building we are headed to and then doing the
reverse to get back downtown (plus save everybody $2.50 each round trip on the
train and I don't know how much for the bus).
If you plan on driving to the conference next week or weekend and are willing
to make your vehicle available for transportation to and from ERDAS, please
get in touch with me as quickly as possible, either by phone (706-542-1554)
or by email. Thanks so much for your help.
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Dept./Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1554
Fax: (706) 542-4144
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Bitnet: [log in to unmask]