----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This document contains the draft programme, and a registration form for,
the CoastGIS ' 95 Symposium to be held in Cork next February.
Darius Bartlett.
            CoastGIS '95:
University College, Cork, Ireland
      February 3rd - 5th 1995
                Organised by the
                    and the
                  COASTAL MAPPING
                in association with the
                     and the
Integrated coastal management is now an established and internationally-
recognised ideal, yet the tools and methodologies for achieving such goals
are still very much under development. For management of the shore to be
effective, policies must be based on informed decision-making. This in turn
requires ready access to appropriate, reliable and timely data and
information, in suitable form for the task at hand. Since much of this
information and data is likely to have a spatial component, computer mapping
and geographical information systems (GIS) offer great potential as tools
for assisting in sound coastal zone decision-making.
In recognition of these trends, the Commission on Coastal Systems of the
International Geographical Union, and the Working Group on Marine Cartography
of the International Cartographic Association invite you to an International
Symposium on Geographical Information Systems and Computer Mapping for
Coastal Zone Management, to be held at University College Cork, Ireland, in
February 1995.
========== SUBMISSION OF PAPERS =============
Papers are invited on any aspect of the use of Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) or computer mapping for Coastal Zone applications. Abstracts
should be arrive in Cork by 31st July 1994.  Authors of papers selected for
presentation will be notified, and submission of full papers will be required
by 1st November 1994. Abstracts will be made available to delegates at the
Symposium; papers will be published after the Symposium.
========== EXCURSIONS ===============
a) Friday 3rd February: Cork Harbour and Cobh.
Introduction to a range of issues affecting the Harbour area, including port
activities and industrial and tourist development. Cobh was the main port of
emigration for millions of Irish during the famine and subsequent years, was
the last port of call of the Titanic, and is also associated with the USS
Luisitania. An award-winning visitor centre tells the story of the town.
b) Monday 6th February: West Cork and Kerry.
An excursion by coach into the heart of one of the most scenic and least
developed parts of coastal Europe, to Castlemaine Harbour, site of a major
international and multi-disciplinary research project aimed at unravelling
in detail the environments and coastal evolution of the bay over the past
5000 years.
========== ACCOMMODATION ===============
Arrangements for accommodation will be the responsibility of
participants. Cork City has a very good range of accommodation
possibilities, ranging from international-standard hotels to lower-
cost youth hostels and familly-run guest houses. Most are within
easy walking distance of the University. A list of recommended
establishments  will be sent to registrants on request.
========== REGISTRATION FEES =============
Registration to full academic programme
(Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)              IR Pounds 100
Additional Late Booking fee (for registrations
received after 1st November 1994)                 IR Pounds30
Pre-Symposium excursion to Cork Harbour           IR Pounds 15
Post-Symposium excursion to West Cork             IR Pounds 25
=========== PAYMENT ================
Payments may be made by any of the following methods:
(a) Bank draft or cheque, in Irish Pounds and drawn on an Irish bank, made
payable to "CoastGIS '95".
(b) Direct transfer of funds (NB: at no cost to the Symposium organisation)
to account number 4952 0816 ("CoastGIS '95") at the Bank of Ireland,
University College Cork Branch, Sorting code 90-27-68.
(c) By credit card (Visa, Access, Mastercard): just supply the required
details on the accompanying form.
Please note that Cancellation after 1st November 1994 will incur a 50%
forfeit of fees paid.
============== SYMPOSIUM PROGRAMME ===================
09h00 Registration desk opens.
10h00 - 16h30 Excursion to Cork Harbour and Cobh
17h00 - 21h30  Registration desk opens; Opening sessions introduction by
UCC President, Symposium opening by Minister for the Marine; Welcomes on
behalf of the Department of Geography, the IGU, the ICA, etc.; Keynote
paper by Lord Roger Chorley, Chairman of the National Trust, UK.
09h00 - 11h00 Plenary session #1; "Coastal Zone Science and Information
Technology". Keynote address by RADM. Giuseppe Agrisano, International
Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco.
11h00 - 11h30  Coffee break
11h30 - 13h15 Plenary Session # 2: "Coastal Mapping and Charting in the
computer age". Keynote address by Ms Barbara Bond, UK Hydrographic Office.
13h15 - 14h30 Lunch
14h30 - 16h15 Plenary Session #3: "GIS and the Coastal Zone". Keynote address
by Dr Jerome Dobson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee.
16h15 - 16h45 Coffee break
16h45 - 17h30 Posters and on-line demonstrations of electronic charting
systems, etc.
Evening - Conference dinner and convivial entertainment...
09h00 - 13h00 Parallel workshops and business meetings
1.      "Using GIS for Coastal Zone Management" (practical hands-on workshop,
to be presented by the IDRISI Project/ United Nations Institute for Training
and Research)
2.      "Data capture and exchange standards for Coastal databases"  (Workshop
and discussion, to be chaired by the Irish Marine Data Centre, Dublin).
3.      "GIS for managing tropical coastlines" (Workshop to be
presented by Coral Cay Conservation, London)
4.      "Computer-aided cartography and the coast" (ICA Working Group on
Marine Cartography)
5.      Visit to the Marine Hydraulics Laboratory, University College Cork,
and introduction to the work of UCC's Coastal Zone Institute.
13h30 - 14h30 Lunch
14h30 - 16h30 Reports from the workshops / more papers / closing remarks
all day  - Excursion to West Cork / Kerry and Castlemaine Harbour.
============= REGISTRATION FORM. Cut here ===========================
I wish to participate in the CoastGIS '95 Symposium.           YES / NO
I shall be accompanied by _________additional people           YES / NO
(subject to availability of places accompanying persons may
take part in the pre- and post-Symposium excursions at the
same rate as Symposium registrants).
I / we would like to take part in the Symposium dinner on
Saturday night (cost approximately IR Pounds 25: this
information for planning purposes only. Send no money now)       YES / NO
I am enclosing / transferring my fees for:
        Registration to the Symposium
        (IR Pounds 100).                                Amount: ___________
        Late registration fee (IR Pounds 30) for
        registrations received after 1st November
        1994.                                           Amount: ___________
        Pre-Symposium excursion to Cork
        Harbour and Cobh ( IR Pounds 15
        per person).                                    Amount: ___________
        Post-Symposium excursion to West Cork and
        Kerry (IR Pounds 25 per person)                 Amount: ______________
                                                     TOTAL SUM: ______________
To aid planning,  please give the number of
the Workshop that you are interested in
joining on the morning of Sunday 5th
February (as given in the outline Symposium             _______________
I wish to pay as follows:
*       My Cheque / Bank Draft (in Irish Pounds
        and drawn on an Irish bank) is enclosed       YES / NO
*       I am arranging Direct Transfer of funds to
        the CoastGIS '95 account.                      YES / NO
*       Please Debit my Credit Card as follows:
                Visa / Access / Mastercard (delete as necessary)
                Number __________________________________
                Expiry date: _______________________________
                Name as on card:___________________________
                Signature: ________________________________
Please send details of accommodation in Cork          YES / NO
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Phone: _____________________
Fax:      _____________________
E-mail: _____________________
Please send completed form to:
        International Symposium on GIS and Computer
        Mapping for Coastal Management,
        Department of Geography,
        University College, Cork,
        [Fax: +353 21 271980]