----------------------------Original message----------------------------
David Cobb writes:
>I am somewhat surprised that various map collections have not
>investigated a cooperative agreement with a commercial copying center for
>their xerographic needs.
Not meaning to sond catty, but how many map libraries are near copying hubs
like Harvard Square? I've found in my limited travels amongst campuses that
I've had to do some scrounging to find large-format copiers. They are
becoming more common, but which copy places actually have them on site varies
from place to place. And in many cases, the best copy centers are at least a
mile or two from campus.
And prices are going up. The local copy shop (in Lebanon, NH) I used to get
large-format copies from just doubled their prices (they went through their
pricing scheme and discovered they were losing money). On the other hand, the
Kinko's in Berkeley has a self-serve large format (reducing, even!), which
makes the prices much lower. But I'd question whether Map libraries would
want their patrons wrecking old maps by jamming them into a self-serve
Nat Case
Hedberg Maps, Inc
White RIver Junction, VT