----------------------------Original message----------------------------
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
   Sorry for any confusion... when I referred to the "Census BBS" I
meant the Census-BEA Electronic Forum, which had the corrected versions
of the affected files available for downloading at 301-763-7554.  I haven't
tried downloading through the Internet, but you may want to send a message
to [log in to unmask] to deetermine if the files are available there.
[log in to unmask]
>  >Look for dates after April, 1994, on the disk, or download LandView from
>  >the Census BBS.
> By the "Census BBS" do you mean ftp.census.gov?
> _   /|   Bill Thoen
> \'o.O'   --------------------------------------------------------------
> =(___)=  BBS .....: GISnet BBS  303-447-0927 (GIS & Mapping)
>  U     Internet : [log in to unmask]
> ---
> GISnet BBS 303-447-0927 Boulder, Colorado