----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We are pleased to announce a pre-publication review of _Cartography
in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies_, volume 2,
book 2 of _The History of Cartography_, edited by J. B. Harley and
David Woodward.
The review, by Yi-Fu Tuan, is in the July 1994 issue of _Natural
History_ magazine (pp. 26-31) and includes color illustrations of
five of the book's forty color plates:  the _Changjiang tu_ (Map of
the Yangtze River), a nineteenth-century Chinese pictorial map of the
Yangtze and Han Rivers showing flood control works in Hubei Province
(plate 2); the _Nihon meisho no e_ (Panoramic view of the noted
places of Japan, ca. 1804), a woodblock print of an oblique aerial
view by Kuwagata Keisai (plate 28); a late eighteenth-century map of
the Potala and other holy places of central Tibet, painted on cloth
(plate 34); a Burmese cosmological map of the Cakkavala, painted on
mulberry bark from a late nineteenth-century manuscript (plate 35);
and a Thai map of Asia from the Arabian Sea to Korea and Japan, dated
1176 and signed by four artists (plate 36).
The book will be available in October from the University of Chicago
With all good wishes,
Charles W. Dean, Program Assistant
The History of Cartography Project
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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