----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Getting 1:50K maps will be difficult.  Some US Army maps may be available
at that scale.
My suggestion is to make do with 1:100K maps.  That is the USGS "intermediate"
scale for mapping.  All transportation and hydrography are already available
in digital form and are being distributed on CD-ROM.  All 1:100K quads for
N. Carolina, S. Carolina, and Georgia are available on one CD-ROM, called
Area 3.  Phone number for more information is Earth Science Information
Center (ESIC)  --  1-800-USA-MAPS.  The CD-ROMs cost $32.
On Wed, 13 Jul 1994 16:26:35 EDT
[log in to unmask] said:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> This is being sent to MAPINFO-L, GIS-L and MAPS-L .
> For urgent digital radio broadcast assignent planning, we need to get 1 :50k
> digitized maps for an area covering 100Km around Charlotte NC.
> We are looking at 3 options:
> 1- Purchase paper copies of 1:50k topo series maps around Charlotte, NC and
> have them digitized,
> 2- Purchase raster copies of same 1:50k maps
> 3- Purchase vector maps, preferably in Mapinfo format for the same area.
> If you have any idea where one can get paper, raster or vector 1:50k maps for
> this area, please let me know asap.
> thanks
> Jean-Marc Paquet
> Manager, Broadcast Automated Systems
> Industry Canada
> rm 1226, 300 Slater St.
> Ottawa, Ont, Canada
> K1A 0C8
> tel:613-990-4951
> fax:613-991-0652
> Internet address:
> [log in to unmask]