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Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 15:45:46 EST
From: "Dan Seldin, G-M Library, (812)855-1108" <[log in to unmask]>
X-To: PO1::"[log in to unmask]"
Subject: RE: Cartography & GIS
To: [log in to unmask]
Indiana Univeristy received v.21,no.1, January 1994 on August 15,1994
as a result of a claim.
Dan Seldin
Indiana University
Geography and Map Library
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All:
I just went to the library to see whether the new issue of Cartography
and Geographic Information Systems (formerly The American
Cartographer) had arrived yet.  And I found, for the umpteenth
time, that the last issue we have is October 1993.
Syracuse University also records their last issue as Oct. 1993.
Can anyone tell me whether this journal is defunct, or simply
Matthew Edney