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Date:   Wed, 12 Oct 1994 18:41:04 -0400
From:   Alberta Wood <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Cartography & GIS
To:     Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum <[log in to unmask]>
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Matthew and all,
        Both the libraries that you mention should contact ACSM or their
periodicals subscription agent, as the January 1994 issue has been out for
many months.  It was a bit late, but I have my personal copy here at hand.
Also late is the April issue which is just being mailed, according to an
email message that I just read.  Staffing changes and staff shortages
along with a change of equipment and printers caused these delays.  If you
have any questions about your personal or library subscriptions, please
contact the ACSM Communications Director, Lucia Chambers.  Her email
address is:  [log in to unmask]  Robert McMaster, the editor of CaGIS, is
out of the country, but has the forthcoming issues well in hand.  The two
other ACSM serial publications have been affected, as well.  These are the
ACSM Bulletin and Surveying and Land Information Systems.  Hope that this
answers your question, Matthew.  I am also hopeful that the delays will
end with the hiring of a replacement staff member.
        Alberta Auringer Wood
        Chair, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
                 Communications Committee
Alberta Auringer Wood, Map Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John's, Newfoundland  A1B 3Y1.  phone: 709-737-8892; fax:
709-737-3118; Internet: [log in to unmask]
On Wed, 12 Oct 1994 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Dear All:
> I just went to the library to see whether the new issue of Cartography
> and Geographic Information Systems (formerly The American
> Cartographer) had arrived yet.  And I found, for the umpteenth
> time, that the last issue we have is October 1993.
> Syracuse University also records their last issue as Oct. 1993.
> Can anyone tell me whether this journal is defunct, or simply
> somnolent?
> Matthew Edney