----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 We have 8 black & white sheets from OHIO Division of Geological
Survey, Bulletin 44 1943.
 Also from Colorado Land Use Commission, 8 maps, 21"x33".
Jan. 1973, COLORADO 1990: The Trend Pattern & A policy Plan.
Feb. 1973, Exposed Aquifers, Transport Systems, Land Ownership,
Hazards, Water Service Areas, & Sewer Service Areas.
Basically 17 year projections for Colorado.
  Peter Gratton      [log in to unmask]
  Government Publications Dept Library
  Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas
  4505 MAryland Parkway
  Box 457013
  Las Vegas NV 89154-7013
 I have all the answers. I just don't know, what questions they go to.