----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear MAPS-L Recipients:
The American Congress on Surveying and Mapping does, in fact, continue to
publish both the Cartography and Surveying journals, plus a slick 4-color
magazine called "The Bulletin."
The ACSM went through several Directors of Communications in the past ten
months, and during that time, the staff continued publishing as best they
could notwithstanding the lack of a Director.
Late February, when I joined up as Director, I ordered the printing and
distribution of the January issue of the Cartography journal. It had been
in final throes minus a last proofreading for some time. The journal was
printed, distributed and mailed in March.
During the next three months at ACSM I rallied for budget for desktop
publishing, received it, and in August installed a complete desktop
publishing system. All subsequent publications were processed through a
desktop system and mailed *locally* which meant a complete re-vamping of
our 2nd class postal permits. (CAGIS had previously been mailed out of
the midwest, a couple thousand miles from the offices.)
We finally received a new 2nd class postal permit last week. The April
issue of CAGIS was mailed yesterday.
Meanwhile the Surveying Journal, "SALIS" as it is known, went through
similar publishing and distribution troubles until it too, was finally
mailed a month or so after its publication date and through a different
post office.
Please accept heartfelt apologies from The American Congress on Surveying
and Mapping. It was not our intent to slow up the publications process,
but rather we'd wanted to expedite it through better control of both the
publishing production and costs.
We have nearly caught up. Within the next couple of months we will have
completely caught up.
Subscription labels are a different matter however. If you have not
received your January issue of CAGIS, would you please phone Bruce
Woodhams, our Fulfillment Coordinator, at 301/493-0200; and if you can't
get hold of him, ask for me.
Thanks very much for your patience in this matter and again, please
accept our apologies.
Lucia Chambers  BBS: (703) 644-5196                    [log in to unmask]
Director of Communications, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping