----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All,
In response to my previous items about the Times World Map &
Database PC package, many people have asked about a network version
for schools, colleges and universities. I can now say that such a
version will be available in 3 weeks or so (Rev 1.1). It doesn't
make much visible difference, but it does allow multiple simultaneous
users and deals with such things as saving custom files in the user's
directory rather than trying to put them all in the same default
Prices have also been determined as follows:
                    Commercial         Educational
10 User             115 pounds         90 pounds
20 User             180 pounds         135 pounds
50 User             340 pounds         225 pounds
These are big discounts on the single user price of 45 pounds.
For further info please contact me.
I guess I am one of the commercial users that Dr Sutherland decribed
as 'creatively' using the list. What was the conclusion to that discussion?
Are messages such as the above of interest, or are they too much of an
Finally, I know some of you now have the TWM&D so do please let me have
your comments. Things you don't like, those you do, and suggestions for
additions would be appreciated.
thank you for your time,
Dr Tim Rideout
12 Duncan St,
Edinburgh, EH9 1TA,
Scotland, Europe.
email: [log in to unmask]