----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello to all of you fellow Geography and Map Division members! Now that I have
had a vacation (a fun but exhausting trip home to Washington State to see all
of our family members), completed 2 issues of the newsletter for the Georgia
Chapter of SLA, and had my annual evaluation here at work I thought that it is
time to get back in touch with y'all.
First, I have a plea to make to the membership. I am in need of a couple of
volunteers to serve on this year's Honors and Awards Committee. I have one
volunteer already and am willing myself to serve on this committee, but if I
can cull two more members that will make for a great committee. Please contact
me directly as soon as possible if you are interested in serving, we have much
work to do in a relatively short period of time.
Now for some news from SLA HQ:
The following came to me via a newsletter I receive as Chair of the Division on
a regular basis called "Leadership Update".
1. "The 1996 Nominating Committee wants your help in the nomination process. If
you know someone willing to serve at the Association level, then the nomination
committee wants you to send his/her name, address and telephone number, as well
as other pertinent information about his/her involvement with SLA and commit-
ment to the profession. In an effort to inform the entire membership of the
nomination opportunity, the 1996 Nominating Committee has placed an article in
the October _SpeciaList_  and has sent an announcement to all Chapter and
Division Bulletin Editors. If you or someone ou know could fill the office of
President-Elect, Director, Cabinet Chair-Elect or Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect,
send in your nomination to Richard Hulser by December 9, 1994. Richard Hulser,
IBM Corporation, 501 Merritt 7 Corporate Park, Norwalk, CT 06851. Telephone,
(203) 846-5259, Fax (203) 846-5356.
2. "Allotment checks are based on year-end 1994 statistics. The allotment
check rate has increased: Chapters will receive $10 per member; Divisions will
receive $8.60 per member. Each new member that you help recruit between now and
December 31st, and all members on the July '94-June'95 cycle who you persuade
to reinstate membership helps increase your unit's allotment check."
Obviously, both of these announcements are important to all of us so I thought
I would pass them on as quickly as possible.
The planning for the Montreal Conference is going, shall I say, swimmingly?!
Its not too late to get your ideas to either Elaine Clement ([log in to unmask]
u) or Alice Hudson ([log in to unmask]) although they have to have
programs, tours, etc. wrapped up and turned in to Jim Mears/Stacey Bloom at
SLA HQ by November 1st. Elie and Alice welcome any suggestions, concerns, and
comments you may have. While we're on the same topic, please see page 54 of
the September 1994 issue of the G&M Division _Bulletin_ for the Montreal
Preliminary Program to get a rough idea of some of the programs, meetings, tour
s, the Open House, etc. that Elie and Alice (and Carol Marley) are working on.
Speaking of the September _Bulletin_, I have sent in a list of Division
Officers and Committee Chairs for your use. We have all volunteered to serve
you, the Division's members, in one way or another so please feel free to
contact us with concerns, ideas, or suggestions you may have or to volunteer
to serve as an officer or member of a committee. Its on page 77. (Also, I will
be publishing a directory of Division Liaisons in the December issue)
Finally, I want to publicly thank Joanne Perry for her 5 years of dedicated
service as _Bulletin_ editor; only one more issue to go Joanne!
Thank you all for your attention and look for more-or-less monthly postings
on Maps-l during the remainder of my tenure as Chair of the Division!!
Paige Andrew
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Dept./Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1554
Fax: (706) 542-4144
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Bitnet: [log in to unmask]